Placeholder Image Generators
A picture’s worth a thousand words, so here’s 15K worth of placeholder image generators to use in your mockups, websites and designs.
Touting “quick and simple image placeholders,” is easy to remember, and easy to use. Just grab their image URL, modify with your size parameters, and voila!

Dynamic Dummy Image Generator
This placeholder image generator offers a lot of options, including width and height, ratios, background and foreground color, and our favorite—common preset screen and ad sizes.

Avatar Placeholder API
A solid avatar placeholder generator, you can specify gender, initials (instead of an illustration), and they even have some job categories. Image resolution is 500x500.

Lorem Flickr
A fun twist on the popular photo sharing site, LoremFlickr surfaces Creative Commons licensed Flickr photos for use as placeholder images. Plug in some dimensions and off you go!

Placeit (by Envato)
With nearly 3000 mockup templates, Placeit has it all. iPhones, Samsungs, desktops, laptops, tablets, you name it, they've got it, and in nearly every position imaginable!
Sporting multiple categories like games, movies, music and... shoes? this generator provides a little more fun than a simple gray text on gray background.

Featuring a simple and intuitive placeholder image API, Placehold offers some nice extras like image format (incl. SVG and WebP) and supports colors using hex codes in the URL.

I can has placeholder imagez? Yes, yes you can. Our list wouldn't be complete without the requisite feline-inspired image generator, bursting with cute and fluffy friends.

Bacon Mockup
Yep, it exists. The even meatier complement to Bacon Ipsum, make every client salivate over your designs with juicy, red placeholder images of, you guessed it, bacon.
Anchored around ”super fast” placeholder images, includes the ability to customize the text font and color—caveat being it appears to only serve SVGs.
Built as a foil to placekitten, offers something more earthy, more manly. Choose color or grayscale placeholder beards in every proportion for your next project.

Dummy Image Generator
Boasting 12 different categories, various ratios, orientations, and the ability to show mixed sizes, this is a great find. Only caveat? You'll need to download the images, no hotlinking.

Love nature? Then you'll love placebear. Add large, fuzzy placeholders to every web mockup and claw your way to the top. Bear sounds, unfortunately, are not included.

Fake Images Please?
Sporting an entertaining name and dark UI, this placeholder image generator is a breeze to use. Specify your width, height, and optional background/foreground colors, text and font.

Lorem Picsum
“Lorem Ipsum...but for photos” reads the tagline. And that's precisely what Lorem Picsum offers. Select your dimensions, add filters and gravity, and even return a list of photos.